A holder of PhD in Organizational Leadership Development (PAC University, Nairobi); MA in Organizational Leadership (Africa International University, Nairobi); Bachelor of Theology (Africa International University, Nairobi). A seasoned banker with over 25 years experience in Commercial Banking. Over 7 years experience in entrepreneurship. Currently a member of CITAM Council, chairing Prayer, Care and Social Action and Advocacy Ministries. Also Advisory Committee member at CITAM Valley Road Assembly, overseeing Prayer, Care and Christian Education and Discipleship Ministries. A Certified Professional Coach in Leadership. Coached and mentored individuals and leaders at personal and professional levels. Founder and director of Re-Imagine Leadership Consulting Limited, whose focus is to develop leaders of integrity. Well versed in research, data analysis and interpretation. Continuing to upskill,learn and acquire new knowledge in the field of leadership and coaching for self-development. Core values include integrity, commitment, excellence, collaboration, accountability and respect.
Certified Professional Coach (CPC)- CDI Africa Coaching Group
Certified Professional Coach (CPC)- CDI Africa Coaching Group