Work History

Zacheaus Okoth Ng’oda



Result-oriented laboratory officer with hands on experience in laboratory medicine and passionate about health research; skilled in key facets of medical laboratory testing and IPC. Highly organized and diligent with systematic approach in supply management with history of meeting project goals consistently. Detail-oriented with a highly professional attitude, problem solving, relationship-building skills and ability to perform well in a team. I am Conversant with KENAS and SANAS accreditation systems in line with the continuous implementation of ISO 15189:2022 as well as various EQA programs.


years of professional experience

Work History

Medical Laboratory Officer - Hematology

Pathologist Lancet kenya
Nairobi, Kenya
11.2023 - Current
  • Company Overview:
  • Performing Bone marrow procedures alongside the attending pathologist, ensuring good quality slides are prepared, stained and availed to the pathologists for review
  • Prepare and review Peripheral Blood Films, ensuring accurate results are relayed to the patients, while referring the complex cases to pathologist for further review
  • Performing special hematology tests including Hemoglobin Electrophoresis and Serum protein electrophoresis using capillaries 3 octa and HPLC platforms
  • Performing flow cytometry tests to accurately identify markers of function on the AQUIOUS CL panel
  • Performing various coagulation tests and interpreting the results on the sysmex CA series analyzer
  • Protect patients and employees by adhering to infection- control and hazardous waste policies and protocols and follow identification procedures
  • Performing other routine hematology tests such as direct and indirect coombs test, antibody titers, forward and reverse blood grouping among many others
  • Participating in various EQA programs including but not limited to one world EQA for FBC and coagulation tests, NHLS for CD4-CD8 tests and CSCQ for doping control tests
  • Review pending materials and prioritize work, bringing to the attending pathologist attention cases that require urgent actions

Medical Laboratory Officer

St. Francis community hospital
03.2022 - 11.2023
  • Company Overview:
  • Performing routine analytical laboratory tests as per the established SOPs
  • Prepare blood components for transfusion by conducting blood group, type and compatibility tests following the guidelines and policies established by the National Blood Transfusion Services
  • Ensure operation of analyzers, spectrophotometers and other laboratory equipment through calibration
  • Preparing reports of technological findings by collecting, analyzing and summarizing information
  • Protect patients and employees by adhering to infection- control and hazardous waste policies and protocols and follow identification procedures
  • Resolve technical problems and ensure laboratory supplies are maintained and judiciously used
  • Https://

Field interviewer

African Population and Health Research Centre
02.2023 - 03.2023
  • Company Overview:
  • Identified and recruited health facility professionals most knowledgeable about Maternal and Child health services in Mama Lucy Kibaki hospital, Baba Dogo Health center, Dandora I & II health centers, Gomongo Medical clinic, Ruaraka Uhai Neema Hospital among others
  • Conducted facility assessment interviews with departmental heads in the selected health facilities
  • Conducted household surveys in Korogocho and Viwandani with young mothers, and pregnant adolescents
  • Provided recruitment, consenting and enrollment of the study participants
  • Utilized Geo codes and GPS to locate households for data collection
  • Conducted qualitative data collection through focus group discussions
  • Collected quantitative data using Survey CTO
  • Obtained and documented informed consent from the study participants prior to involvement in the interviews
  • Carefully planned the fieldwork in order to maximize the effectiveness of the time available
  • Synchronized, performed daily data back up and ensured that all questions are completed prior to online submission
  • Attended project meetings and represented APHRC as the project ambassadors in the community

Research Assistant/Project Lab Tech

Pathologists’ lancet Kenya
03.2021 - 04.2022
  • Company Overview:
  • Coordinated and reinforced Infection Prevention Control during sampling
  • Educated the study participants and community health workers on IPC measures during Covid-19 pandemic
  • Regularly submitted reports on daily activities
  • Prepared patients for sample collection, performed sample collection, testing, analysis and results reporting
  • Carried out both PCR and Antigen testing for covid-19
  • Made timely requisitions and monthly stock takes to ensure minimal stock-outs
  • Developed organizational infection control standards that met OSHA guidelines
  • Developed and reviewed standard operating procedures (SOPs) in the laboratory
  • Https://

Research Assistant – Qualitative Data Collection

Carolina for Kibera
12.2020 - 12.2020
  • Company Overview:
  • Identifying and consenting eligible participants for the interviews and group discussions
  • Scheduling interviews with KIIs and following up in case of re-scheduling
  • Conducting KIIs with policy and decision makers with representation from Ministry of health, NGO representation (Kenya Red Cross Society), Administrative leadership (Senior Chief – Kibera/Makina) and schools (head teachers)
  • Facilitating focus group discussions with community disaster management committee to obtain community perspectives on fires and burn injuries in Kibera
  • Conducting FGDs with community health volunteers from Lindi, Sara Ng’ombe and Makina in Kibera
  • Recording observation notes on visible fire hazards in the community and households in Kibera
  • Transcribing and cleaning interview recordings for analysis
  • Transcribing and cleaning focus group discussion recordings
  • Https://

Intern Laboratory Technologist

Pathologists’ lancet Kenya
09.2020 - 12.2020
  • Company Overview:
  • COVID -19 nasopharyngeal swab sample collection, High Vaginal Swabs collection, skin scrapping for mycology tests and other sample collection techniques
  • A molecular laboratory experience including COVID-19 PCR processing, HIV viral load, and cytomegalovirus
  • Vaginal, sputum, stool, urine sample isolation, identification and characterization of microbial pathogens, accurately test isolates for susceptibility to antimicrobials as a guide to therapy
  • CSF testing for diagnosis of variety of neurological diseases, bacterial, viral and fungal infections
  • Antibiotic sensitivity and resistance screening for microorganisms isolated in the microbiology laboratory adhering to CLSI performance standard for antimicrobials susceptibility testing
  • Swab screening for MRGNB, MRSA, Staph
  • Aureus and environmental samples
  • Coagulation tests, malaria antigen and microscopic tests, bone marrow differential counts, Hb electrophoresis, CD4 counts among many other hematological tests
  • Https://


BSc. - Medical Laboratory Science

Kenyatta University

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education -

Sawagongo High School

Kenya Certificate of Primary Education -

Mahola Primary School


  • Flow cytometry
  • Gel electrophoresis
  • Ethics in research
  • Microscopy techniques
  • Mass spectrometry
  • Laboratory safety
  • Biological specimen processing


  • Hillary Ochieng, Hematology Head, Cerba Lancet Kenya, +254 705190443,
  • Godfrey Adero, Research Officer, APHRC, +254 706606161,
  • Dr. Erick Nandoya, Study Coordinator, CFK-Africa, +254 721351359,




Medical Laboratory Officer - Hematology

Pathologist Lancet kenya
11.2023 - Current

Field interviewer

African Population and Health Research Centre
02.2023 - 03.2023

Medical Laboratory Officer

St. Francis community hospital
03.2022 - 11.2023

Research Assistant/Project Lab Tech

Pathologists’ lancet Kenya
03.2021 - 04.2022

Research Assistant – Qualitative Data Collection

Carolina for Kibera
12.2020 - 12.2020

Intern Laboratory Technologist

Pathologists’ lancet Kenya
09.2020 - 12.2020

BSc. - Medical Laboratory Science

Kenyatta University

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education -

Sawagongo High School

Kenya Certificate of Primary Education -

Mahola Primary School
Zacheaus Okoth Ng’oda