Work History
Kenneth Kambona

Kenneth Kambona



Kenneth Kambona is an International Development Consultant of recognized international and regional professional standing having headed development programs in senior management positions working with Governments, Regional Economic Communities (RECs), the Private sector, Development Partners, and Civil Society for over 25 years. Dr Kambona has run for public office twice in 2015 and 2022 as Senator for Homabay county, Kenya. In the process established valuable network within the political cycles including at the highest level of the presidency of the Republic of Kenya. He headed the President Obama US Government initiative Trade Africa and Investment Activity and Investment Africa which promoted Africa continental Agri-Food Trade. He developed useful network with the USTR (United States Trade Representative) Office leadership. Dr Kambona was the lead Consultant-Advisor on; Agricultural Trade, Food, Nutrition and Water security for 3 Regional Economic Communities; the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), East African Community (EAC) and The Common Markets for East and Central Africa (COMESA) under a USAID funded Institutional systems strengthening. This role aligns with the technical support on the implementation Agri-food trade required under the African Free Trade Area (AfCTA). He was the lead consultant in the development of the EAC Food Security Action 2018-2022. This included the assessment and recommendation on implementation of Agri-Food Trade within the EAC. He headed the multi-million-dollar USAID funded Regional Agri-Food Trade and Expansion program, the East African Agricultural Trade hub, and the Agri-Food commodities Competitive and Trade Expansion Program. Dr. Kambona previously worked as the Regional Agri-Business and Trade Development Manager at Syngenta the largest agri-production company. He is credited with leading Public Private Partnership in Agri-Food systems management. He represented the private sector at presidential level as a member of the Kenya National Presidential Food Security Task force. Dr. Kambona holds a Doctor of Philosophy Degree (PhD) and Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in Agricultural Sciences. Has Higher Diploma in Agri-Food Management. He was a lead Researcher under the Africa-wide Agri-Food Production and Trade stationed in Ghana, Benin, and Nigeria.


years of professional experience
years of post-secondary education

Work History

International Development Consultant, IGAD

Development Shift Consulting, USAID Funded
1 2023
  • Founder of Development Shift Consulting, which focuses on sustainable development and regional integration across all of Africa W
  • Consulting for national and regional governments on development, including development of strategies, assessment of development frameworks and evaluation of performance in key sectors of agriculture, trade and investment, and integration
  • Technical assistance and capacity building for stakeholders in key value chains in Africa region
  • Increased organizational capacity by providing guidance on best practices, monitoring progress, and evaluating program effectiveness

Trade Africa-Lead

United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Kenya and East Africa
  • Lead in design team and alternate project manager of three East African regional trade hub projects; USD 28 million Regional Agricultural Trade Expansion Support program, 2002-2009 and follow-on USD 84 million Competitiveness and Trade Expansion program (2009-2014) and USD 65 East African Trade and Investment Hub, 2014- 2019
  • Lead African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) at USAID
  • Roles included Agri-Food value chain development with U.S
  • Businesses to attract investment in food industry, trade policy and strategy analysis and development, value chain analysis, market analysis
  • Provided deep knowledge of global, continental, regional and domestic trade issues, challenges, and opportunities, especially all working protocols of African Continental Free Trade Agreement
  • Was Activity Manager in charge of development in East African Agri-Foods Strategies and Business Plans 2014, to spur Agri-Foods trade through Warehouse Receipting Model
  • Key among interventions was to enable movement of Agri-Foods from regions of surplus to deficit areas
  • Developing Strategic and Business Plans for Agri-Food Systems organization; East Africa Grain Council, East and Central Africa Dairy Association, African Fine Coffees Association
  • Provided technical assistance to institutional capacity development initiatives including conducting organizational capacity assessment (OCA), and Human and Institutional capacity development (HICD).

Regional Agri-Business Development Manager

Syngenta Agriculture, East Africa Ltd
, East Africa
1996.01 - Current

Developed agro-inputs industry’s first product strategies for East Africa’s agricultural sub-sectors

  • Managed company’s strategic initiative that established Syngenta Seeds as new business line
  • Developed business strategy for regional implementation of Syngenta’s post-harvest losses management program to curb food insecurity
  • Was awarded Syngenta business innovation award for initiating business in emerging markets
  • Appointed to Kenya government food security task force -2006
  • The task force was charged with developing an intervention mechanism to ensure food security occasioned by the persistent droughts in the region.

Regional Agri-Business Manager

DuPont Agriculture, East Africa Ltd
, East Africa
1993.01 - Current
  • Development of strategic business and investment plan in agricultural sector in East Africa
  • Serving as the liaison between the private sector and governments of East Africa to develop joint programs in food security
  • Led private sector team in providing inputs to trade policy formulation by the East African Countries to improve processes for traders including advocacy on key issues such as competition and standards.

Agricultural Research Scientist

International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology
  • Was advisor to the Somali government to restore agricultural production and productivity after the collapse of agricultural the inter-clan wars in the country
  • Developed modern, innovative technologies for farmers in the horn of Africa to mitigate the effects of climate change
  • In collaboration with the University of Oldenburg in Germany, developed an environmentally friendly bio-pesticide for pest control especially in the arid areas of East and Central Africa.


Doctor of Philosophy, (PhD) Agricultural Sciences - Agricultural Sciences

Oldenburg University of Germany
1992.02 - 1996.04

Higher Diploma (HD) - Agri-Food Trade And Development

German Federal Institute of Agriculture And Natural Resource Management
1988.07 - 1990.01

Master of Philosophy (MPhil) Agricultural Sciences - Agricultural Sciences

Rivers State University of Science And Technology
1986.01 - 1988.01

Bachelor of Science -

University of Nairobi
1981.01 - 1985.01


Technology Transfer

Monitoring and Evaluation

Policy analysis

Resource Mobilization


To the best of my knowledge, the above facts are true and correct Kenneth Kambona July 2024


  • 2020, Lead Consultant, Team - IGAD COVID-19 Food and Nutrition Response Strategy 2020, Developed the IGAD Food Security and Nutrition Response Strategy (2020) to respond to the initial economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic crises.
  • 2020, Lead Consultant - FAO project mitigating the effects of Agricultural Trade due to COVID-19 pandemic, Action oriented policy and investment programmes for enhanced food security, nutrition, and trade in landlocked and small island developing African countries. Strengthen the collaboration among land-locked African countries and their respective transit neighbours through formulation of policies and investments for enhanced food security and trade. Strengthen support to land-locked countries in Africa, considering their vulnerability to address unique and complex food security.
  • 2019, Team Lead- Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Systems Strengthening Activity (RIGO-SSA), Provide organizational strengthening assistance to the three Regional Economic Communities; IGAD, EAC, and COMESA. Implement measurable activities that increase in each RECs efficient and sustainable organizational performance
  • 2020, Lead Consultant – USAID funded Business Development Services- Kenya Crops and Dairy Marketing Systems (KCDMS) project, Provide management and technical capacity to Cooperatives in Western Kenya.
  • 2019, Lead Trade Consultant, Nairobi Coffee Exchange, Nairobi Kenya, Lead the formulation of new international trading rules for Kenya coffee export. Consulting senior government and policymakers in the development of the new trading rules. Developing strategies to attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the sector.
  • 2016, Regional Cross Border Agricultural Trade Expert; Assessing Sanitary and Phytosanitary Cross Border Trade Barriers between Uganda and Kenya Borders, Conducted an assessment on the Kenya Uganda border operations to improve understanding of the costs and benefits associated with the trade. Developed a monitoring and evaluation framework for regional trade. Recommended cost-effective strategies and solutions to improving trade between the two countries.
  • 2018, Lead Consultant, Resilience and Economic Growth in Arid Lands, USAID- African Development Solutions, Nairobi Kenya, Conducted feasibility study and designed a business model of Gum and Resin in Northern Kenya. Provided recommendation for gum and resin commercialization.
  • 2018, Lead Strategic Plan Development Consultant, Kabondo Kasipul National Constituency Development Program, Homa Bay County, Kenya, Assessed the status and dynamics of the socio-economic development in the constituency. Formulated a draft strategic plan based on identified priority socio-economic development interventions.
  • 2016, Innovative Technology Expert, UTZ Rainforest Alliance, Kenya- the Netherlands, Conducted a needs assessment on knowledge and use of technology by communities involved in agriculture and food security. Established appropriate technology options to replace current practices.
  • 2018, Agricultural Sector Strategic Planning Expert; African Fine Coffees Association (AFCA): Kenya Coffee Platform (Development of Strategic Plan, Kenya, and African Coffee Producers Countries, Conducted an extensive consultative process with key players in the coffee industry in Kenya and internationally to establish key issues affecting the sector. Engaged senior government of Kenya officials in policy discussions to inform the development of the Strategic Plan. Presented the plan to the international community and benchmarked for good international practices.
  • 2018, Lead Consultant- Scaling investment for the resilience of East Africa coffee producers project, Solidaridad Eastern and Central Africa Expertise Center, Kenya, Development of baseline indicators for coffee production and quality in the region. Development of baselines indicators for assessing coffee’s economic contribution to the lives of the farmers in the region. In-depth analysis of climate risks and vulnerability in the East Africa region. Development of an inclusion plan for women, youth engagement and people with disabilities in coffee cooperatives in the region.
  • 2018, Lead Consultant- Resilience Evaluation Expert; Save the Children International; End-line Evaluation of Food and Nutrition Security Project, Turkana, Kenya IGAD, Led the in-depth analysis of the impact interventions towards resilience. Led the development of intervention mechanisms for resilience. Made recommendations to the county government in collaboration with Development Partners on the appropriate actions.
  • 2017, Team Lead – Assessment of the East African Community Food and Nutrition Strategy 2011-2015 and Formulation of the Strategy 2018-2022, Identified pertinent challenges and gaps in the EAC agricultural sector and generate recommendations to address them. Reviewed and analyzed the regional policy, institutional and regulatory arrangements under which agricultural sector transformation can best be implemented. Led formulation of the EAC Food and Nutrition Strategy and Implementation Plan
  • 2018, Lead Agri-business and Trade Expert: Identification of Opportunities for Norwegian Businesses in the Kenyan Agriculture Sector, Nairobi, and Oslo, Providing Private- Public Sector Investment advisory. Providing Kenya’s Agricultural policy and analysis of the investment climate. Providing liaison to the top political and Business class in Kenya.


  • 2023, Chief Executive Officer/International Development Consultant, Development Shift Consulting, Nairobi, Kenya, Founder of Development Shift Consulting, which focuses on sustainable development and regional integration across all of Africa. Consulting for national and regional governments on development, including development of strategies, assessment of development frameworks and evaluation of performance in key sectors of agriculture, trade and investment, and integration. Technical assistance and capacity building for stakeholders in key value chains in the Africa region
  • 2015, Lead- Trade and Investment Africa, East Africa Trade, and Investment Hub/United (USAID East Africa), Nairobi, Lead in the design team and alternate project manager of the three East African regional trade hub projects; the USD 28 million Regional Agricultural Trade Expansion Support program, 2002-2009 and the follow-on USD 84 million Competitiveness and Trade Expansion program (2009-2014) and the USD 65 East African Trade and Investment Hub, 2014- 2019. Lead African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) at USAID. Roles included Agri-Food value chain development with U.S. businesses to attract investment in the food industry, trade policy and strategy analysis and development, value chain analysis, market analysis. Provided deep knowledge of global, continental, regional and domestic trade issues, challenges, and opportunities, especially all working protocols of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement. Was Activity Manager in charge of the development in the East African Agri-Foods Strategies and Business Plans 2014, to spur Agri-Foods trade through a Warehouse Receipting Model. Key among the interventions was to enable movement of Agri-Foods from regions of surplus to deficit areas. Developing Strategic and Business Plans for Agri-Food Systems organization; the East Africa Grain Council, East and Central Africa Dairy Association, African Fine Coffees Association. Provided technical assistance to institutional capacity development initiatives including conducting organizational capacity assessment (OCA), and Human and Institutional capacity development (HICD).
  • 1996, Project Manager for the East African Regional Trade and Investment Hub from 2010-2015 and prior to that managed the Competitiveness and Trade Expansion Program (COMPETE), a regional program improved trade in in 15 countries in East and Central Africa by harmonizing regional trade and transit policies and procedures, developing financial markets, supporting private sector trade associations, to take advantage of preferential trade opportunities. COMPETE built on the Regional Agriculture and Trade Expansion (RATES) program. It addressed the constraints and promoted opportunities available to African companies to increase their competitiveness and trade with the United States and global markets. At the East African Trade and Investment Hub, worked with EAC Member States and U.S. businesses to attract investment needed to transform the Africa's private sector into vibrant global trading partners. Was focused on improving the region's trade competitiveness, encouraging the diversification of exports beyond natural resources, and promoting broader, more-inclusive economic growth. Provided technical assistance to institutional capacity development initiatives including conducting organizational capacity assessment (OCA), and development of institutional implementation including Human and Institutional capacity development (HICD).
  • 1996, Developed the USAID country and regional development cooperation strategy plan-an operational strategy to align with Kenya government devolution system and the EAC, COMESA and IGAD regional integration programs. Member of the design team and management team for the African Institutions Innovation Mechanism (AIIM) under the USAID Forward Project that had was aimed at strengthening partner country capacity to improve aid effectiveness. Public-Private Partnerships coordination: (a) the US Government Development Credit Authority (DCA) facility that provided a flexible tool for opening sustainable sources of financing agricultural value chains, and (b) the US Government Global Development Alliance (GDA) market-based business model co-designed, co-funded, and co-managed by USAID and private sector partners. Experience in maintaining relations between USAID and regional intergovernmental organizations, the donor community, and the private sector. Promote two-way trade with the United States. Under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) and facilitate investments and technology to drive trade growth regionally and to globally. A key member of the USAID team that implemented the EAC regional trade agreements that contribute to enhancing integration and trade in the region. Experience with the EAC in measuring organizational performance by using outputs and indicators at different levels of project implementation to support the development of country profiles and state of region reports. Conducted monitoring and evaluation, performance evaluations, utilizing tools such as Organization Performance Index (OPI) and results matrix with clear indicators.
  • 1996, Regional Business Development Manager, Syngenta Agriculture, East Africa Ltd., Nairobi, Kenya, Developed agro-inputs industry’s first product strategies for East Africa’s agricultural sub-sectors. Managed the company’s strategic initiative that established Syngenta Seeds as a new business line. Developed the business strategy for regional implementation of the Syngenta’s post-harvest losses management program to curb food insecurity. Was awarded the Syngenta business innovation award for initiating business in emerging markets. Appointed to the Kenya government food security task force -2006. The task force was charged with developing an intervention mechanism to ensure food security occasioned by the persistent droughts in the region.
  • 1993, Regional Technical Manager, DuPont Agriculture, East Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, Development of a strategic business and investment plan in the agricultural sector in East Africa. Serving as the liaison between the private sector and governments of East Africa to develop joint programs in food security. Led the private sector team in providing inputs to trade policy formulation by the East African Countries to improve processes for traders including advocacy on key issues such as competition and standards.
  • 1990, Agri-Development and Protection, International Center of Insect Physiology Ecology, Nairobi, Kenya, Was advisor to the Somali government to restore agricultural production and productivity after the collapse of agricultural the inter-clan wars in the country? Developed modern, innovative technologies for farmers in the horn of Africa to mitigate the effects of climate change. In collaboration with the University of Oldenburg in Germany, developed an environmentally friendly bio-pesticide for pest control especially in the arid areas of East and Central Africa.


  • Advisory member of the International Scientific Advisory Board of the African Center of Excellence (ACE) headquartered in Djibouti
  • Member of the Agricultural Entomological Society (ESK) of Kenya




  • Dr Alfred Kombudo, Principal Secretary, Ministry of Trade and Investment, Kenya, 713 957344,
  • Mr Josephat Onyari, Director, Finance and Administration, Intergovernmental Authority Development-IGAD, +254 722 226 267,
  • David Wafula, Director Agriculture, East African Community (EAC), +254 720 733 923,
  • Christine Bukania, Director Planning and Programing, African Development Bank (AfDB), 254 702 088 565,


Trade Africa-Lead

United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Kenya and East Africa

Regional Agri-Business Development Manager

Syngenta Agriculture, East Africa Ltd
1996.01 - Current

Regional Agri-Business Manager

DuPont Agriculture, East Africa Ltd
1993.01 - Current

Doctor of Philosophy, (PhD) Agricultural Sciences - Agricultural Sciences

Oldenburg University of Germany
1992.02 - 1996.04

Agricultural Research Scientist

International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology

Higher Diploma (HD) - Agri-Food Trade And Development

German Federal Institute of Agriculture And Natural Resource Management
1988.07 - 1990.01

Master of Philosophy (MPhil) Agricultural Sciences - Agricultural Sciences

Rivers State University of Science And Technology
1986.01 - 1988.01

Bachelor of Science -

University of Nairobi
1981.01 - 1985.01

International Development Consultant, IGAD

Development Shift Consulting, USAID Funded
1 2023
To the best of my knowledge, the above facts are true and correct Kenneth Kambona July 2024
Kenneth KambonaConsultant