Work History

George Onyango



Results-oriented Monitoring & Evaluation officer with 9 years of experience in the field of M&E. Aiming to provide quality services and drive progress in monitoring and evaluation. Possessing attentive, patience, and caring qualities, effectively communicates and makes astute observations on various health matters to the public. Proficient in a range of monitoring and evaluation duties, from capturing information to utilization and decision-making. Known for excellent verbal and oral communication skills, able to build trust with colleagues and collaborate effectively with other professionals. Unique blend of intelligence, self-confidence, and sociable personality enables immediate rapport with individuals at all levels.


years of professional experience

Work History

Monitoring and Evaluation Associate

Gold Star Kenya
05.2022 - Current
  • Coordinate implementation of day-to-day project activities, establishing and maintaining the project work plan
  • Coordinate implementation of data review meetings with project staff, Sub-County Teams, County Teams and other stakeholders
  • Coordination with region teams and partners on M&E matters related to the project.
  • Train project teams, health care workers, health information officers, community members on the reporting tools and ensure adequate reporting tools at all levels
  • Work with facilities, S/CHMTs to ensure the data submitted to KHIS meets data quality standards through conducting timely monthly data verifications, EMR and paper-based data quality audits (DQAs) and sharing feedback with all the relevant stakeholders including developing action-oriented DQA improvement plans.
  • Champion implementation of Electronic Medical Records (EMR) activities through mentorship support to users, roll out to new sites and ensuring 100% reporting rates for all EMR sites in the National Data Warehouse (NDW)
  • Conduct M&E supportive supervision visits with MoH and Program based team to service delivery points to provide mentorship and OJT to facility and community staffs on data management.
  • Providing data to inform continuous quality improvement of project interventions.
  • Lead in data review meetings and other stakeholders’ meetings
  • Participating in county and regional M&E stakeholder forums.
  • Proactively monitor and analyze project-based indicator performance against targets jointly with the relevant project staff and provide monthly feedback
  • Preparing program-based reports on monthly and quarterly basis for program implementation staff as require
  • Ensuring high levels of accuracy in reporting of program data from MoH, Providers and Community structures/ units.
  • Coordinating timely submission of data to KHIS and other established reporting system.
  • Accurate, quality, and timely reports developed and shared.
  • Conducting regular MOH M&E tools assessments in collaboration with the facility/sub-county/county HRIOs to ensure the consistent supply and availability of standard data collection and reporting tools.
  • Working with facilities to maintain an updated inventory of EMR equipment and ensure electronic data security protocols are adhered to by all users.
  • Successful implementation of data quality audit for project.
  • Improved quality of M&E data at all levels.
  • Up-to-date and readily available repository for program data for use on demand.
  • Use of technology for monitoring program performance
  • Ensuring timely targets dissemination and sensitization
  • Analyzing program performances against set targets for key performance indicators jointly with the relevant program teams and provide feedback and action plans
  • Tracking the implementation of the project work plan for project and conduct regular monitoring visits to implementation sites
  • Designed evaluation frameworks that captured both quantitative and qualitative data for a holistic understanding of program impact.
  • Increased stakeholder understanding of program outcomes through clear and concise reporting.
  • Trained staff members on best practices in monitoring and evaluation techniques, fostering a culture of continuous improvement within the organization.
  • Workin with facility/sub-county/county HRIOs to ensure timely and accurate submission of monthly standard MOH reports by facilities as well as timely entry into KHIS by 15th of every month.
  • Performing any other duties assigned by the supervisor from time to time.

Roving-Health Records and Information Officer

10.2021 - 04.2022
  • Working closely with the MDT to conduct monthly TX New analysis, monthly gap analysis and ensure all service gaps and data gaps are justified/ addressed with appropriate corrective actions instituted
  • Providing continuously targeted mentorship to facility health care providers on correct use and proper documentation of standard national data capture and reporting tools
  • Coordinating and actively participating in county, sub-county and facility data review meetings with the aim of creating a culture of data demand and information use to inform decision making processes for HIV project implementation
  • Disseminating site level annual PEPFAR DATIM targets to facility health care workers and ensuring that printed targets are pinned on the wall in the various service delivery points
  • Conducting a joint MOH and USAID Tujenge Jamii quarterly support supervision visits with SCHRIOs alongside other SCHMT members and have findings and action points documented in the supervision booklet
  • Conducting regular NASCOP MOH/Project customized M&E tools assessment in collaboration with the sub county and facility HRIOs to ensure that facilities have consistent supply and availability of standard NASCOP MOH M&E data collection and reporting tools
  • Championing implementation of EMR activities through mentorship support to EMR users, rolling out of EMR to new sites and ensuring 100% reporting rates for all EMR sites in the National Data Warehouse (NDW) for all the relevant dockets
  • Using monthly performance dashboards and Performance Monitoring Plan (PMP), coordinating rigorous tracking/ monitoring of project performance progress towards targets achievement through routine data review meetings
  • Working with sites to ensure confidentiality and security of patient data is guaranteed and maintained by storing registers in a lockable cabinet and ensuring compliance to electronic data security protocols
  • In conjunction with technical officer, I participate in monitoring CQI activities by ensuring CQI charts are updated on site
  • Participating in quarterly, semi-annual and annual DATIM data entry and data validations as guided by the M&E leadership
  • Participating in Monitoring and Evaluation Technical Working Group (TWG) meetings and representing the M&E department in M&E activities in the stationed County/ sub - County
  • Working with facilities, S/CHMTs to ensure the data submitted to KHIS and DATIM is timely and meets the data quality standards through conducting monthly data verifications, EMR and paper-based Data Quality Audits (DQAs) and sharing feedback with all the relevant stakeholders including developing action-oriented DQA improvement plans

Health Records and Information Officer

04.2021 - 09.2021
  • Working with Facility HRIOs to coordinate daily, weekly and monthly timely and accurate data collection and submission processes within specified timeliness to facilitate consistent situation room analysis meetings (SRMs)
  • Champion use of KENYA EMR SYSTEM to ease data collection and capturing all patient information and reporting
  • Actively participate in monthly data review meetings with minutes with the aim of creating a culture of data demand and information use to inform decision making
  • Work closely with the Sub-County HRIOS to ensure timely and accurate submission of monthly standard MOH 711 reports other related MOH reports by facilities as well as timely entry into KHIS by 15th of every month
  • Conduct regular MOH M&E tools assessment in collaboration with the Sub County and facility HRIOs to ensure that facilities have consistent supply and availability of standard data collection and reporting tools
  • Participate in quarterly, semi-annual and annual data entry and data validations as guided by the M&E leadership
  • Participate in Monitoring and Evaluation Technical Working Group (TWG) meetings and represent the M&E department in M&E activities in the stationed County/ sub - County
  • Conduct joint MOH and USAID Tujenge Jamii quarterly support supervision visits with SCHRIOs and SCASCO
  • Participate in monitoring CQI activities by ensuring CQI charts and other progress charts are updated on site
  • Submit Performance feedback with Sub County HRIOs and other relevant stakeholders
  • Using monthly performance dashboards and Performance Monitoring Plan (PMP), to coordinate rigorous tracking/monitoring of project performance progress towards targets achievement through routine data review meetings
  • Document findings in the MOH supervision booklet and actively follow-up facilities to ensure that commonly agreed data management improvement plans are followed and monitored by all parties
  • Support the Sub County/facility in projection/ forecasting and distribution of standard MOH tools as well as project partner level customized tools
  • Provided continuous targeted mentorship to facility and community health care providers on correct use and proper documentation of standard national data capture and reporting tools
  • Disseminate site level annual targets to facility and community health care workers and ensure printed targets are pinned on the wall in the various service delivery points
  • Work with sites to ensure confidentiality and security of patient data is guaranteed and maintained by storing registers at facility and community level
  • Updating database and other relevant computer files
  • Ensuring the KENYA EMR DATA EXTRACT is upload to the Nation Data Ware House on time
  • Doing Kenya EMR upgrades to a new version once rolled out

Health Records and Information Officer

10.2019 - 03.2021
  • Ensure all current standard HIV data recording and reporting tools are available, in use, completely and correctly used i.e
  • Ensure that filing of patient/beneficiary records adheres to set filing procedures and standards
  • Ensure all CCC sites adhere to the color coding and filing SOPs
  • Review for accuracy, completeness and ensure timely reporting for all MOH HIV reports[MOH 711/MOH731/MOH713/MOH733B] reports before 5th of every month and Form 1A
  • Ensure that expected project reports from facilities are accurate and submitted according to agreed timelines [Updating MOIS, defaulter tracing, IPT monthly reports, HCA, PMTCT & ART cohort analysis reports & RRI reports]
  • Ensure Kenya EMR data entry is consistently and correctly done, Enrollment of new clients, Care termination and updating of VL results
  • Conduct Kenya EMR DQA every quarter and submit report to HRIO Incharge and a copy to Afya Nyota Ya Bonde M&E
  • Share EMR data to the NASCOP National Data Warehouse by the 5th of every month
  • Doing daily EMR data backup

Health Records and Information Officer

09.2017 - 09.2019
  • Ensuring all current Standard HIV data recording and reporting tools are available, in use, completely and currently used
  • Ensuring that filing of patient/beneficiary records adheres to set filing procedures and standards
  • Ensure all the records adhere to the color coding and filing SOPs
  • Review for accuracy, completeness and ensure timely reporting for all MOH HIV reports [MOH 711/ MOH 731/MOH7333] reports before 5th of every month
  • Ensure KENYA EMR data is consistently and correctly done
  • Enrollment of all new clients, Care termination and updating for VL results
  • Ensuring that expected project reports are accurate and submitted accordingly to agreed timelines {Updating MOIS, defaulter tracing, IPT monthly reports, HCA, PMTC & ART cohort analysis Reports & RRI reports}
  • Conducting DQA every quarter and sharing the outcome with the APHIAPLUS M&E
  • Institute and coordinate staffs to review MOH reports every month before reports submission to the facility HRIO In charge
  • Plotting the weekly and monthly performance monitoring charts and sharing the progress with the staffs and APHIAPLUS M&E
  • Analyze the program data and share the findings with the staffs, APHIAPLUS M&E and facility HRIO In charge
  • Maintaining a DQA file that contain [DQA SOP/DATA FLOW CYCLE/M&E assessments reports done]
  • Participate in facility Work Improvement meeting and write and maintain WIT [QI] file
  • Support the departments offering HIV services to identify key performance indicators and ensure that the performance monitoring charts are up to date at all times
  • Support the departments deliberate on their performance and plans for improvements and document action plans in the data use handbooks
  • Participate in monthly CCC stakeholder`s meetings as organized
  • Provide progress update brief to APHIA Plus M&E Officer and facility In-charge indicating progress in all the highlighted areas by 5th monthly
  • Submit a comprehensive activity progress report to APHIA Plus M&E Officer in-charge indicating progress of all the highlighted areas every week
  • Ensuring security and confidentiality of all patient records

Health Records and Information Officer

08.2016 - 08.2017
  • Compiling weekly and monthly reports
  • Registration of new patients
  • Admitting patients
  • Completing B1 and D1
  • Editing of files
  • Sorting and filing of patient records
  • Coding and Indexing and also doing Color coding where necessary
  • Booking clients and giving appointments to patients where necessary
  • Maintaining medical records
  • Doing administrative statistics where appropriate
  • Data entry into the DHIS
  • Documentation, filing, retrieval and storage of medical records
  • Ensuring confidentiality of patient records
  • Data analysis and presentation
  • Updating database and other relevant computer files
  • Ensuring accurate compilation through verification of monthly facility reports
  • Performing data validation and data verification
  • Performing data quality checks such as timeliness, completeness and accuracy
  • Ensuring that the program data are entered into the DHIS for the supported sites and IQ Care is up to date in all supported EMR Sites
  • Conducting routine data quality audit [RDQA], and review gaps and update DHIS in collaboration with EMR Officer and SCHRIO
  • Participate in joint support supervision of the Health Facilities with CHMTs and program staffs
  • Ensuring timely production of monthly, quarterly and annual based on agreed performance indicators


Bachelor of Science - Health Records & Information Management

Mount Kenya University

Diploma - Health Records & Information Management

Kenya Medical Training Collage

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education -

Barding Boys High School

Kenya Certificate of Primary Education -

Liganwa Primary School


  • Organized and detailed in all aspect of work
  • Strong interpersonal relationships
  • Training facilitation
  • Data collection
  • Teamwork
  • Team collaboration
  • Familiar with Data Mining applications used to retrieve information for analysis as well as electronic reporting tools
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills
  • Expert-level understanding of performance evaluation, including the assessment of metric, comparative analysis and future projections based on improvement
  • Quality conscious
  • Strong data analysis skills using Excell, PowerBI, Stata
  • Excellent in Participatory leadership


  • Leadership and Management in Health, University of Washington December 2023
  • Project Management in Global Heath, University of Washington September 2023
  • Monitoring and Evaluation in Global Health, University of Washington April 2022


  • Data Management, Analysis & Utilization
  • KenyaEMR Effective Use
  • Clinical Management Of HIV
  • Personal Branding
  • International First AID Training


  • Deloitte Certificate Of Achievement, for championing CQI Activities in Samburu County- September 2024
  • Certificate of Participation- For presenting an Abstract on Implementation of Differentiated Care Model to Improve Retention among RoC In Samburu County- 15th-17th August 2023
  • Certificate of Achievement- For successfully completing a course in Data Analysis Using Advanced Microsoft Excel- 7th October 2022
  • NASCP certificate on National HIV Programme Monitoring & Evaluation Tools Training, Version 2022
  • NASCP certificate on National HIV Programme Monitoring & Evaluation Tools Training, Version 2020
  • NASCP certificate on National HIV Programme Monitoring & Evaluation Tools Training, Version 2016


  • Mr. Robert Osoti, M&E Officer, +254725937401,
  • Ms. Gladys Chebole, M&E Officer, +254722628813,
  • Mr. Victor Ogolla Opondo, Health Records Officer, +254716164924,


Monitoring and Evaluation Associate

Gold Star Kenya
05.2022 - Current

Roving-Health Records and Information Officer

10.2021 - 04.2022

Health Records and Information Officer

04.2021 - 09.2021

Health Records and Information Officer

10.2019 - 03.2021

Health Records and Information Officer

09.2017 - 09.2019

Health Records and Information Officer

08.2016 - 08.2017

Diploma - Health Records & Information Management

Kenya Medical Training Collage

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education -

Barding Boys High School

Kenya Certificate of Primary Education -

Liganwa Primary School
  • Leadership and Management in Health, University of Washington December 2023
  • Project Management in Global Heath, University of Washington September 2023
  • Monitoring and Evaluation in Global Health, University of Washington April 2022

Bachelor of Science - Health Records & Information Management

Mount Kenya University
George Onyango