Microsoft Office
Dedicated Project Officer with expertise in building strong relationships and forming high-performing teams. Possessing a keen attention to detail and a systematic approach, I bring an analytical mindset to all projects. Equipped with extensive knowledge and 9 years experience, I am prepared to tackle any challenging role in Health Project Management. My objective is to lead the global improvement of Health Training, Education, and Health Services delivery in the Community, with a specific emphasis on utilizing Research and ICT in Kenya.
Document management
Microsoft Office
Kenya Registered Community Health Nurse - KRCHN (BScN)
May 2019 - Undertook 12-weeks driving lessons for Category B Vehicles with the AA Kenya driving school – Sarit Branch under the new NTSA curriculum and successfully acquired my driving licence on 25th September 2019.
March 2015 - Attended a 2-week Mid-level Management Course for Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) at Travellers Hotel Mombasa facilitated by The Ministry of Health
May 2014 - Undertook a one-week training on Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI) held at Kiambu Sub-County Hospital facilitated by Kenya Paediatric Association
May 2014 - Undertook a one-day training on Online Indexing of Nursing Students at the Kenya School of Monetary Studies Nairobi Under the guidance of The Nursing Council of Kenya and Emory University
March 2014 - Attended a 3-day Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) Trainers of Trainers Refresher training in Hotel Cathy Nakuru organized by NASCOP
August 2013 - Attended a 4-day training workshop on Instructional Design of Medical Courses organized by Funzo Kenya in Lukenya
May 2013 - Successfully completed a 3-day course on Effective Teaching Skills Course facilitated by Jhpiego in Nakuru.
March 2010 - Participated in a one-week seminar on Infant and Young Child Feeding Counselling organized by APHIA II Nyandarua District.
2002- 2007 Underwent 6 weeks annually of research training under the Community Based Education and Service (COBES) programme run by Moi University
1999 - Undertook one month of Training in Leadership and entrepreneurship skills under the Junior Achievement programme run by the Price Water House Coopers.
Dr. Gloria O.W. Okoko
Grants & Organizational Strengthening Officer
Amref Health Africa in Kenya
Tel. No. 0711452084
Mrs. Eunice Kanana
County TB & Leprosy Coordinator - CTLC
Meru County - Health Department
Tel No. 0721264674
Mr. James Magiri
County Medical Laboratory Coordinator - CMLC
Meru County - Health Department
Mobile No. 0725813590
International Computer Driving License - ICDL
Kenya Registered Community Health Nurse - KRCHN (BScN)