Experienced land surveyor with over 5 years of practice in engineering survey. Diploma holder from the Technical University of Kenya. Eager to utilize knowledge and skills acquired from education and professional engagements to deliver high-quality services and effectively manage resources. Utilized GPS, GIS technologies, and laser scanners to gather precise measurements and prepare comprehensive maps and reports on legal boundaries and topographical characteristics of various lots. Focuses on providing complete and accurate information, offering interpretations, and guiding professionals towards optimal development applications. Proficient in equipment operation, computer-aided mapping, and historical data analysis. Skilled in laser scanning for as-built drawings, accident recreation, and terrain movement evaluation. Over 10 years of experience in land surveying for commercial, industrial, and government projects. Well-equipped to contribute to your team's success. Surveyor experienced in current techniques for gathering and presenting land measurements. Contributed to optimal land utilization by identifying legal boundaries and preparing maps and diagrams to present data on land characteristics. Skilled in topographic, boundary, utility locate and volumetric survey types using land-based GPS units and aerial drone technology.
GIS - Data Collection, Geocoding, Spatial Analysis, Database Management, Web Mapping
Remote Sensing - Satellite Image processing, analysis and interpretation
GPS handling, data measurements and post processing of GPS data
Land Surveying - Topographical Mapping, setting out, Establishing Controls, Cadastral Surveys
Engineering Surveying - Setting out of Structures, Roads, and establishing horizontal and vertical controls
Use of GIS and Surveying tools
Effective Time Management
Communication Skills
Ability to Work in a Team
Leadership Skills
Interpersonal Skills
Mathematical calculations
Mathematical calculations
Field data collection
Project Management
+254729492319 / +254787615136
This is a 50m project still in its inception phase, 01/01/21, Present
There are more projects available on my profile which can be provided upon request