I am a health care access facilitator, with over 30 years experience in my career as a doctor and a public health specialist. I have developed a niche in health care financing (medical insurance schemes) in both the public and private sector. I have worked and undertaken Leadership roles (or co-innovate) to establish and strengthen health care delivery Logistics in suitable business-like contractual relationships. Usually this has entailed engagement of each of distinct stakeholders/ representatives serially or multi-laterally.
On a roundtable basis I have led co-opted teams from facilitator and client nominees to adapt, enhance modify or create quorums & streamline processes. I have also facilitated re-alignment(s) of mismatching objectives, processes or components in part of the Health Care Seeker-via-Health Cover Process via H.C.Beneficiary Cycle Continuum.
Strategic planning and implementation
-Kenya Medical Association- Member
-Directorate of Occupational Safety and Health Standards (DOSH) -Designated Health Provider
Licensed Medical Practitioner - 1986 to date
• Nov 1992: Thesis: “Study of effect of Slum Housing on Family Health status”.
• 1993 Baseline Community Health Status Study - African Housing Fund for Malezi project.
• 2001 Baseline Community Health Status Survey-Jamii Bora Fund as Basis for hospital Insurance
• FY 2005/06- Research – Diagnostic Profile Study of NHIF Paid Claims (2005/2006)
(Maternity23%,Malaria 17% of Diagnosed Cases )
• Sept 2015 to 2017: Participated and Modulated the successful transformation of NHIF Fraternity into a “Can do Attitude” work culture winning wide perception as being capable & acceptable in eyes of key stakeholders and Qualified to Drive Universal Health Cover.
• 2014 – 2015 Roll-out of new benefit Packages eg Foreign treatment, Dental, cancer, MRI & CT Scan, culminating in winning of court case and Gazettement of Enhanced NHIF Contributor Rates (Fed 2015)that doubled NHIF revenue base and set up Fund & country for Blue Ocean market growth that supported Expansion of accredited Health Care Providers,Clinical,Chemist & Ancilliary services & affordability via member capitation mode of Benefit & fund allocation.
• 2012-2014 Modulated Mainstreaming of first Mammoth(KSH.4Bpa) Managed Scheme i.e. CSDS med Scheme via M&E & Sensitization Exercise with formulation of Scheme Rules and Out patient cover Product pilot.
• 2010-2012-Innovated Informal sector methods, strategies and tools and piloted deeper integration of NHIF/Health Care Provider Partnerships as Manager in charge of Buruburu Branch
• 2008 – 2010 .Formulated Hospital Scorecard and Ranking Platform & Issued Quality Certificates
• 2007 – 2008: Refitted & rolled out Ministry of Health Hospital Quality Management System for adoption by hospitals & sustainable Quality Shift achieved(Industry wide).
• 2004 - 2006: Instigated and participated in successful transformation of NHIF into an agile and patient care financier of first resort by Replacing Manilla card with Photocard (family pocket friendly) and Issuance of contractual based packages limiting/eliminating hospital Co-payment demands; Formulated Intergrated Member Module update, re-vamping ICT-platform for low-cost Robust open-ended connectivity with Hospitals.
• Feb 2001 - Sept 2004: Co-Innovated & implemented affordable pre-payment-Mode based hospital Admission Treatment for access to un-subsidized comprehensive care for un-employed & un-employables via 5 member groups in Jamii Bora Trust Health & Life Insurance Program. Resulting in a Surplus yielding sustainable Cover eliminating Co-payments by beneficiaries.
• 1993 - 1994: Co-innovated and implemented a Primary Health Care and Early Childhood Education Program in Slums and ASAL (Kitui & Mwingi) via Malezi Bora Project in Shelter Afrique under African Housing Fund (AHF)Subsidiary.
I am passionate about increasing and broadening my knowledge in various areas such as history, sports and farming. I am also a practicing farmer from a young age. I have always had an interest in farming and have undertaken many projects alone and in groups.
I like to work with young people and therefore I enrolled as a marriage counsellor in my church to impart my knowledge and help young couples learn from my experiences both good and bad.
Licensed Medical Practitioner - 1986 to date