A passionate, independent, and inquisitive software engineer with experience in developing both large-scale modern and legacy enterprise applications, as well as implementing and troubleshooting enterprise networks. This is in addition to, a solid background in an agile software development environment. Notable skills strengths include teamwork, resilience, effective communication and consistent performance.
Project Name: Eko Electricity Distribution PLC (EKEDP)
Employer: Indra Limited (Indra Sistemas)
Duration: 02/2024 - Present
Eko Electricity Distribution Plc is a privatized Nigerian power distribution company that handles supply of power to customers within Lagos state. This project focused on delivering a Customer Management System to EKEDP, capable of effectively supporting current and emerging customers. Using Angular, Spring boot and Powershell, I was able to contribute significantly to this by:
Project Name: Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC)
Employer: Indra Limited (Indra Sistemas)
Duration: 05/2023 - Present
Liberia Electricity Corporation is a responsible for production and supply of electric power to citizens within Liberia. This project focuses on maintenance and support to an already existing and functioning customer management system, where my key contributions were:
Project Name: Gtuner (Personal project),
Duration: 09/2023 - Present,
Gtuner is a personal project birthed as a result of interests in Music and a desire to understanding the increasingly popular cross-platform framework(by Google), Flutter. This project focused on understanding the core principles of flutter and dart as well as achieving the implementation of a basic instrument tuning application. The app has the following features: