Work History
Della Akumu

Della Akumu

Nairobi,Nairobi Province


Qualified dietician who supports groups and individuals to implement and sustain meaningful changes by providing information and advice on nutrition. Has a strong track record of empowering people and communities to achieve goals within planned timeframes. Empathetic communicator and active listener.


years of professional experience
years of post-secondary education

Work History

Nutrition Officer- Emergency Programme

Save the Children International
Lodwar, Turkana District
09.2022 - 04.2023
  • Assessed the nutrition status of children, pregnant and lactating women affected by drought.
  • Advised clients about nutrition-related behavior change to prevent malnutrition.
  • Discussed nutritional needs of children, pregnant and lactating women using community approaches approaches.
  • Recorded client data in the ministry of health registers consistently to capture progress for every visit. consistently.
  • Prescribed and provided nutrition supplements for treatment of acute malnutrition for children below five year, pregnant and lactating women.
  • Delivered outcomes and KPIs required to achieve project goals.
  • Prepared Weekly summaries for treatment and progress of all patients in the Community Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) programme.

Nutrition Officer- Child Survival Project

Save the Children International
Nairobi, Nairobi Province
10.2019 - 08.2022
  • Prepared implementation strategies for Nutrition and dietetics at community level.
  • Trained caregivers on complementary feeding using community approaches.
  • Drafted nutrient-dense recipes and meal plans to support children growth and development goals.
  • Conducted household visits to assess whether caregivers were using the skills acquired from the training to
  • Consulted with clients to assess needs and establish action plans.
  • Worked with the ministry of health nutrition and dietetics practitioners to counsel pregnant and lactating women on Maternal, Infant and Young Child Feeding (MIYCN).
  • Translated scientific and biological concepts to simplified language for client comprehension.
  • Conducted Nutrition Assessment of children at community level using simplified approaches (Family MUAC).
  • Supported referral of malnourished children to the nearest health facilities for enrolment into treatment programmes.
  • Delivered project outputs and Key Perfomance Indicators (KPI) for the project.
  • Supported monitoring and evaluation of nutrition interventions by contributing to the development of the Kenya Nutrition M&E framework 2018-2022
  • Conducted bi-annual mass micronutrient supplementation and deworming.
  • Supported the development of advocacy materials for nutrition (The Kenya Nutrition Scorecard).

Emergency Nutrition Officer

Save the Children International
Lodwar, Turkana District
04.2017 - 06.2018
  • Delivered life-saving nutrition interventions to drought affected populations in Turkana county.
  • Developed instructional job aids and templates to help health care workers to provide nutrition services in low resource settings.
  • Conducted continuous nutrition education for health care workers on Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition (IMAM).
  • Conducted Nutrition assessment and classification of children below five years, pregnant and lactating women.
  • Conducted Community Management of Acute Malnutrition where I treated children, pregnant and lactating women suffering from acute malnutrition closer to home.
  • Prescribed and provided clients with nutrition supplements.
  • Conducted regular follow up visits to document patients progress.
  • Conducted on the job training and supportive supervisions in collaboration with the Sub-County health management teams to ensure service delivery is in line with the national treatment guidelines.
  • Advised caregivers on how to make use of the limited resources to prepared energy nutrient-dense dishes to prevent malnutrition.


Bachelor of Science - Foods, Nutrition and Dietetics

Egerton University
01.2012 - 12.2015


  • Nutrition needs assessment
  • Patient education
  • Community nutrition services
  • Nutrition programme management
  • Menu development
  • Advocacy and Influencing




Nutrition Officer- Emergency Programme

Save the Children International
09.2022 - 04.2023

Nutrition Officer- Child Survival Project

Save the Children International
10.2019 - 08.2022

Emergency Nutrition Officer

Save the Children International
04.2017 - 06.2018

Bachelor of Science - Foods, Nutrition and Dietetics

Egerton University
01.2012 - 12.2015
Della Akumu