A reliable chemist with a flawless record and unwavering dedication to accuracy and precision equipped for fast-paced work and changing daily needs. Serves customers effectively with attention to detail and a hardworking approach. Seeks out opportunities to go beyond the basics, improve processes, and increase customer satisfaction.
Grant recipient from CRDF Global for Sensitization of Government Stakeholders on Chemical Security in Unregulated Markets in Kenya. The activity was sponsored by the US State Department under the Chemical Security Program.
Currently serving as logistics secretariat to the CBRN Kenya National Team.
Appointed as the head of Quality Assurance in the Instrumentation Section at the Government Chemist's Head Quarters, where I directly supervise four members of staff and jointly oversee quality assurance activities such as proficiency tests with the Division Head.
William Munyoki
The Government Chemist
Government Chemist’s Department
Kenyatta National Hospital- Hospital Road
P.O. Box 20753-00202
Mobile Number: + 254 722 776430
Email address:
Dr. Joseph Kagunda
Senior Deputy Government Chemist
Government Chemist’s Department
Kenyatta National Hospital- Hospital Road
P.O. Box 20753-00202
Mobile Number: + 254 716448452
Email address:
Dr. Sania Kadanyo
Postdoctorate Research Fellow
University of California Los Angeles
Samueli School of Engineering.
Mobile Number: + 1 (424) 475 0329
Email address: kadanyo44@gmail.com