Reliable and efficient candidate with a robust foundation in Agricultural Extension Education, looking forward to professional exploits. Accomplished team leader with a demonstrated track record of 7 years, adept at delivering impactful results for rural community projects within both NGO and Kenyan government sectors. Presently engaged in a Child Sponsorship Program for OVC supported by Korean individual donors, showcasing self-motivation and a proactive approach in taking additional responsibilities and embracing new opportunities to drive organizational and team objectives.
years of professional experience
Work History
Project Officer- Economic Empowerment
Miral Welfare Foundation Kenya
09.2022 - Current
Project Initiation, Planning, Execution, Monitoring, Evaluation and Controlling:
Selecting, recruiting, and training beneficiary households on Climate Smart Agricultural initiatives and agroforestry LVCD activities in collaboration with relevant government MDA offices.
Supported 727 households in Livelihood development and 80 households in Local Poultry Rearing management, marketing, and value addition.
Implemented 7 awareness raising training targeting 1030 parents and caregivers of sponsored children on Socioeconomics empowerment, entrepreneurship, financial literacy and business planning.
Capturing, validating, and updating project data on the M&E system, and prepared and uploaded progress reports on Google drive on a timely basis.
Designed and applied appropriate controls, M&E tools in strict adherence to MWFK's project design matrix (PDM) regulations.
Sharing weekly, monthly, semi-annual and annual progress reports during regular physical, or virtual meetings conducted via Zoom, Google Meet and/or MS Teams.
Complying with donor policies, and MWFK's work guidelines and core values.
Streamlining child safeguarding and the government's child protection policies in all Child Sponsorship projects.
Collaborating with relevant ministries and partners to coordinate and integrate planned activities.
Spear-headed the formation and registration of 22 new development self help groups in collaboration with the Nyando sub-county's office for Gender and Social Development.
Planning and facilitating awareness raising and peer-helper training for sponsored learners in 11 public schools.
Conducted 8 training meetings for the sponsored learners in 2022/23 to achieve social inclusion and manage special conditions arising amongst the vulnerable and disabled children.
Providing technical support in the timely implementation of projects.
Trained 22 community groups on table banking, Savings with a purpose (SWAP) and Village Savings and Loaning (VSL). 402 beneficiaries of 19 groups shared out an initial sum of KSh. 3.2 M in a record 6 months, as a result of excellent coaching and frequent monitoring.
Strengthening financial structures in groups through Savings for Transformation.
Provided technical guidance to 22 groups in brainstorming business ideas and preparing business grant proposals.
Preparing budgets and managing project expenditures
Preparing activity expense requests according to the budget thresh holds.
Conducting participatory rural appraisal of household livelihoods, assessing beneficiary needs, and initiating innovative approaches and opportunities for project successes.
Other duties:
Launching quarterly mobilizations for community tree planting initiatives involving public schools, in collaboration with local administrations, partners and other stakeholders.
Recording monthly meetings with Community Health Promoters (CHPs) to collect home visit reports and document child emergency cases for immediate action.
Conducting annual gift campaigns targeting all learners from the 11 public schools.
Providing technical support in planning and coordinating meetings with stakeholders, partners, and/ or beneficiaries.
Performing any other duty with professionalism, as may be assigned from time to time.
Intern/ Technical Assistant
Public Service Commission| Kenya Agricultural And Livestock Research Organization (KALRO)
01.2020 - 08.2022
Research Activities:
Designed and implemented on-station and on-farm experimental trials for validation of the best agronomic packages for selected breeding lines of 3 African Leafy Vegetables (ALVs).
Conducted household demographic data collection on 'Gender mainstreaming and Social inclusion in climate smart agriculture value chains' and 'Assessing fostering innovations for cassava production, value chain, and marketing' using ODK.
Screened 3 ALVs for adaptability trials in smallholder farming systems in the Lake Victoria region.
Set up potted paddy rice experiments in the nursery for pre-germination evaluation and management of National Performance Trials (NPT) at Ahero irrigation scheme.
Accomplished germ plasm acquisition, seed multiplication, phenotypic, and molecular characterization of indigenous vegetables for seed multiplication.
Revenue support:
Prepared a 7-quarter budget justification and implementation plan and secured KSh. 500,000 funding for the revitalization and sustainability of KALRO-HRI Kibos Nursery.
Achieved a 92.874% profit from the sale of assorted horticulture seedlings in the 2020/21 financial year as a result of efficient resource management, and good customer relations.
Planned and conducted market surveys for seedling commodities.
Capacity building and collaboration:
Conducted routine farm visits in collaboration with the Kisumu County Department of Agriculture to diffuse climate-smart agricultural knowledge and innovations such as soil and water conservation techniques.
Coached 33 students on industrial attachment through the delivery of agricultural extension services and monitoring and evaluation of project cycles (for selected Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project-KCSAP and National Research Fund-NRF funded activities).
Delivered 4 training sessions to 9 community-farmer groups on Integrated Pest Management in tomato production and Agro-ecology training, in collaboration with Practical Action.
Implemented 3 training sessions on value addition for invasive guava species at Nyatoto Ruma Women Group in Lambwe Valley under the World Vision Kenya's 'Regreening Lambwe Valley' project in collaboration with KEFRI Maseno.
Contributed immensely towards the development of 1 training manual on Avocado Value Chain for SMEs targeting 5 counties of Western Kenya through inter-disciplinary team work with County government staff, KALRO, KEFRI, KIRDI, and other stakeholders through the facilitation of Micro Enterprise Support Programme Trust (MESPT).
Other achievements:
Participated in the planning of training for and stakeholders on focal restoration approaches for climate-smart agriculture, soil and water conservation techniques and regeneration of communal pastoral lands through lobbying and advocacy.
Accelerated the preparation of annual progressive reports (APR) and performance contracts (PC) reports.
Participated in regular staff meetings.
Project Assistant| Field Officer
Community Initiatives Support Services (CISS)
02.2016 - 12.2019
Conducted community sensitization and mobilization to initiate, plan, guide, and evaluate community based health and food security systems.
Organized 5 preventive health promotion campaigns on hygiene promotion, effective handwashing and typhoid sensitization awareness in 50 partner public schools within 2 project areas in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation.
Conducted 2 annual food security festivals and 3 exchange visits to showcase Globally accepted Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) on standard kitchen gardens.
Facilitated countless number of tree planting initiatives within 50 public schools in Gem, Alego and Rachuonyo East sub-counties (3 project areas).
Implemented 12 meetings with community groups to influence mindset processes about gender equality and transformative masculinity, in partnership with various stakeholders.
Prepared activity budgets on timely routine and submitted them for review and approval and made budget drafts for pending activities according to CISS guidelines.
Facilitated 7 sub-county and ward-level stakeholder meetings with various government ministries, local leaders, Key Informants, and target groups for joint planning and implementation of peace promotion campaigns prior to the 2017 general elections.
Represented CISS in 1 county-level forum for dispute resolution at organized by the Interior Ministry during the 2017 Kericho-Kisumu border ethnic clashes.
Prepared and compiled activity progress reports for 4 program objectives and shared with staff during regular meetings.
Created and implemented monthly apiary inspection plans targeting 348 beneficiaries.
Implemented routine monitoring and evaluation of kitchen gardens, dairy goat pens, schools and community woodlots and table banking processes in groups.
Conducted routine visits to community groups to strengthen viable income generating activities identified by youth, women and other vulnerable member groups.
Participated in the Decha I Project end-line evaluation exercise.
Planned, designed and implemented Decha II baseline survey for 360 households in all the 4 project areas together with staff.
Performed data entry, analysis, and intepretation for Decha I end line evaluation and Decha II baseline survey using IBM SPSS software through co-ordinated team work.
Prepared training manuals together with staff.
Facilitated trainings for Community Owned Resource Persons (CORPs) in key technical areas such as food security, environment conservation and apiculture.
Conducted routine morning devotions involving all staff.
Bachelor of Science - Agricultural Extension Education
University of Eldoret
Eldoret, Kenya
04.2001 -
High School Diploma -
Sawagongo High School
Siaya, Kenya
04.2001 -
Project Management
Core Humanitarian Certification
Participated in the following workshops:
2022 May-Jul: Buruka na Somo Entrepreneurship Bootcamp by Somo Africa
2021 Nov: ToT Workshop for Avocado Value Chain Manual Production by MESPT
2021 Aug: ToT Workshop for Integrated Pest Management in Tomato Value Chain by Practical Action
2018 May: Youth Mentorship & Engagement Workshop by CISS
Available upon request.
Work Availability
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Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.
Theodore Roosevelt
Core Humanitarian Certification
Project Officer- Economic Empowerment
Miral Welfare Foundation Kenya
09.2022 - Current
Managing Project Risks and Changes
Initiating and Planning Projects
Leadership and Emotional Intelligence
Introduction to Project Management
Intern/ Technical Assistant
Public Service Commission| Kenya Agricultural And Livestock Research Organization (KALRO)
01.2020 - 08.2022
Project Assistant| Field Officer
Community Initiatives Support Services (CISS)
02.2016 - 12.2019
Bachelor of Science - Agricultural Extension Education
University of Eldoret
04.2001 -
High School Diploma -
Sawagongo High School
04.2001 -
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