Preparation of Local Physical and Land Use Development Plan for Ngomeni Town, 2021, Kilifi County, Kilifi County Government, Urban Planner and Project Manager, Reconnaissance survey of the project areas, Boundary delineation and verification, Desktop review of the relevant documents and legislations, Stakeholders’ mobilisation, sensitisation and visioning, Formulation of sector strategies, Formulation of the Spatial component, In charge of technical review of the project Consultancy Services for Preparation of Zoning Regulations for Malindi, Kilifi, Mtwapa and Mariakani Urban Areas, 2021, Kilifi County, Kilifi County Government, Urban Planner and Project Manager, Reconnaissance survey of the project areas, Boundary delineation and verification, Desktop review of the relevant documents and legislations, Stakeholders’ mobilisation, sensitisation and visioning, Preparation of Zoning Plan, Formulation of zoning regulations for each Urban Area Consultancy Services for Preparation Mwatate Municipality Spatial/ Land Use Plan, 2020, Taita Taveta County, Mwatate Municipal Board, Urban Planner and Technical Supervisor, Reconnaissance survey of the project areas, Boundary delineation and verification, Desktop review of the relevant documents and legislations, Stakeholders’ mobilisation, sensitisation and visioning, Formulation of sector strategies, Formulation of the Spatial component, In charge of technical review of the project Consultancy Services for Preparation of Integrated Strategic Urban Development Plans for Ahero and Maseno Towns, 2018, Kisumu County, Kisumu County Government, Urban Planner, Reconnaissance survey of the project areas, Boundary delineation and verification, Desktop review of the relevant documents and legislations, Stakeholders’ mobilisation, sensitisation and visioning Consultancy Services for Preparation of Marani, Masimba, Nyamarambe and Mosocho Local Physical Development Plans in Kisii County, 2018, Kisii County, Kisii County Government, Urban Planner, Reconnaissance survey of the project areas, Boundary delineation and verification, Desktop review of the relevant documents and legislations, Stakeholders’ mobilisation, sensitisation and visioning Consultancy Services for planning and surveying of selected informal settlements in Garissa County, 2017, Garissa County, State Department of Housing and Urban Development, Urban Planner, Reconnaissance survey of the project areas, Boundary delineation and verification, Desktop review of the relevant documents and legislations, Stakeholders’ mobilisation, sensitisation and visioning, Socio-economic surveys, Identification and enumeration of the beneficiaries, Data analysis and projections, Preparation of Local Physical Development Plans (LPDPs) for the respective informal settlements Digital Topographical Mapping and Preparation of Integrated Strategic Urban Development Plan for Timau Township and its environs, 2015, Meru County, County Government of Meru, Planner, Secondary data collection, Testing and Administration of Data Collection Instruments, Preparation of codebooks and Sorting and Coding of questionnaires, Data entry and analysis using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (S.P.S. S), Geographical Information Systems (G.IS), Automated Computer Aided Design (AutoCAD), and Sketch-Up Professional soft-wares, Report writing, Preparation of Integrated Strategic Urban Development Plan for Timau Township, Preparation of development strategies and guidelines, Preparation of Development control guidelines, Preparation of Capital Investment Plan Preparation of Wamba Township Local Physical Development Plan, 2015, Samburu County, County Government of Samburu, Urban Planner, Secondary data collection, Testing and Administration of Data Collection Instruments, Preparation of codebooks and Sorting and Coding of questionnaires, Data entry and analysis using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (S.P.S. S), Geographical Information Systems (G.IS), Automated Computer Aided Design (AutoCAD), and Sketch-Up Professional soft-wares, Report writing, Preparation of Integrated Strategic Structure Plan Preparation, Preparation of Integrated Strategic Urban Development Plan for Wamba Township, Preparation of development strategies and guidelines Digital Topographical Mapping and Preparation of Integrated Strategic Urban Development Plan Archers Post Township, 2014, Meru County, County Government of Meru, Assistant Planner, Secondary data collection, Testing and Administration of Data Collection Instruments, Preparation of codebooks and Sorting and Coding of questionnaires, Data entry and analysis using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (S.P.S. S), Geographical Information Systems (G.IS), Automated Computer Aided Design (AutoCAD), and Sketch-Up Professional soft-wares, Report writing, Preparation of Integrated Strategic Urban Development Plan for Archers Post Township